From Content Writer to AC Technician: How ChatGPT Displaced a Professional's Livelihood

Content writer displaced by ChatGPT turns to AC repairs for income, highlighting the impact of AI on livelihoods and the need for adapting to evolving job markets.


6/7/20232 min read

From Content Writer to AC Technician: How ChatGPT Displaced a Professional's LivelihoodFrom Content Writer to AC Technician: How ChatGPT Displaced a Professional's Livelihood

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has brought about significant changes across various industries. One area where AI has made significant strides is in natural language processing, leading to the development of advanced chat-bot systems like ChatGPT. While these AI-powered chat-bots offer convenience and cost-effectiveness, they also pose a threat to certain professions. This article focuses on the story of Eric Fein, a content writer, and explores the broader implications of AI chatbots on job displacement.

Eric Fein's Experience

For a decade, Eric Fein had built a successful business as a content writer, providing a range of writing services to clients. His work encompassed everything from crafting product descriptions to website copy. However, Fein's career took a significant hit when his clients began transitioning to ChatGPT, an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI. As a result, they terminated their contracts with Fein, citing the lower cost of using ChatGPT as a primary factor. Despite his efforts to emphasize his creativity, precision, and originality, his clients opted for the affordability and convenience of the AI chatbot.

The Consequences

Fein's loss of business dealt a severe blow to his income, which had previously supported his family and provided a comfortable lifestyle. Faced with financial uncertainty, Fein had to find alternative ways to make ends meet. He turned to repairing air conditioners, a field that AI technology has yet to fully automate. While Fein was eventually rehired by one client dissatisfied with ChatGPT's performance, the income was insufficient to sustain his family. As a result, he made the decision to pursue a trade, recognizing the importance of future-proof skills. Fein enrolled in classes to become an AC technician and plans to further expand his skill set by training to become a plumber in the future.

Broader Implications

Eric Fein's experience reflects a broader trend in the job market, where AI chatbots like ChatGPT are increasingly replacing human workers. A survey conducted by revealed that nearly half of the surveyed US companies using ChatGPT reported the replacement of workers by the chatbot. This finding highlights the potential for job displacement and the need for workers to adapt to a changing landscape.

As AI technology continues to advance, it brings both opportunities and challenges. While AI chat-bots like ChatGPT offer businesses cost-effective solutions for various tasks, they also pose a threat to certain professions, as demonstrated by Eric Fein's story. As workers and job seekers, it is crucial to recognize the evolving nature of the job market and consider acquiring skills that are less susceptible to automation. By embracing future-proof trades and diversifying skill sets, individuals can navigate the changing landscape and secure their professional futures.